Cee Lo Green Tattoos
Cee Lo Green has tattoos all over his body -- even his face -- so it's surprising to know that he actually walked out of a tattoo parlor in the middle of getting his back inked because he was in too much pain. "I think that the tree on my back gave me the most pain. When you get your arms done ... if you can see what's going on, then maybe, psychologically, you think you can control it. Apparently you can, because it doesn't hurt so bad. With your back, you're lying on your front getting the tattoo and you just feel totally out of control -- you can't get a gauge on whether they're close to completion. So I gave up on it and I have an unfinished tattoo on my back. It was meant to be a family tree; I haven't been in a rush to finish it." That explains why we couldn't find a photo of the unfinished tattoo.