Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Skylar Diggins boyfriend

Skylar Diggins boyfriend. The big story of the day is that Ben Roethlisberger has officially announced he is getting married. After weeks of rumors and speculation, Roethlisberger has confirmed that he is indeed getting married this summer.

Does this mean Big Ben is finally ready to settle down and concentrate on football? If he wasn't concentrating before, it's scary to think about how he will play when he isn't chasing around college-aged women.

I'll discuss the ramifications in today's news.

Skylar Diggins boyfriend
Skylar Diggins boyfriend

Eva Longoria appeared on The Late Show with David Letterman last night, and now a wardrobe malfunction has to be seen.

Skylar Diggins boyfriend

Sroll down to check out the video.

We'll also touch on Carrie Underwood's hording husband and the return of Skylar Diggins to Notre Dame.

Skylar Diggins boyfriend

Time to sit back and enjoy the buzz.
